St. John's Street

Commerical Property For Rent


The premises are situated on upper St. John’s Street, near to the Market Place of the delightful Georgian market town of Ashbourne.

The premises provide approximately 37.8 sq.m. (406 sq.ft.) of retail sales area presented as follows:

Front Sales Area number one: 3.9m x 2.8m (10.92 sq.m. or 117.5 sq.ft) plus deep box bay front display window.

Rear Sales: 3.62m x 2.24m (8.06 sq.m. or 87 sq.ft.) with feature period decorative fireplace.

Front Sales Area number two: 5.6m x 3.36m (18.81 sq.m. or 202 sq.ft.) with large front display window.

Rear Office/Admin Area with door off to

Staff Kitchenette with fitted sink unit.

Rear Porch with door to exterior rear and door off to staff wc, with low-flush suite and wash-hand basin.

Business Rates
Ratable Value: £9,900

Energy Performance Certificate
To be confirmed

Lease Terms & Asking Rent
The property is available on a new business lease for a flexible term of years on effectively fully repairing the insuring terms at an initial asking rent of £8,500 per annum exclusive.

Legal Costs
The ingoing tenant will be responsible for the landlord’s reasonable costs incurred in lease preparation at the commencement of the lease.

All prices are quoted exclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate.

Viewing and Further Information
All enquiries to:

01335 346246